It was an absolutely beautiful morning and as those are rather few and far between at the moment I was determined to get out and about. This may seem like such a small thing, but it's years or maybe even forever since I've gone off and done what I've wanted to do by myself. In the past by the time I'd planned it all out rigidly I'd scared myself silly or run out of time and therefore didn't go. Or I hadn't been well enough to even contemplate going anywhere by myself. Well, in the words of Bob, 'the times they are a changin'.

Hat pulled over bed-head hair and a quick splodge of make-up and I was off. I only drove down the road to a new sculpture park, but the fact that I was making that decision and it was something I wanted to do meant a lot. The second day after I'd been struck by lightning I came up here with Mark and the hounds. It was such a huge achievement and it's become a special place.
I ran up the hill like a nutter, luckily slowing down before I reached the brow of the hill as one man and his (daughter's) dog were at the top. Now that could have been embarrassing. I sat on this bench and got my camera out and that started off a compact v slr, digital v film conversation with said man (but not the dog). I finished by asking to take his photo - I love the new me.
I just felt so free and not at all self-conscious, it's amazing what weight that puts around your neck. I headed over to one of the sculptures and spent so long taking photos from different angles, even doing a few self portraits with the timer. The light was beautiful. I headed off up hill and down dale (well, back down the hill again) clicking away.
When it was time to head back (cold fingers and a hankering after a decaf earl grey) I left a square behind. I wonder if anyone will find it?